Almost every time I mentioned starting a blog, the inevitable question was- "what are you going to blog about?"
I registered my domain name this morning and I still have no idea.
So I think I should give a short summary of myself and why I chose the blog as my monograph medium.
I just moved to California from Indianapolis. My wonderful fiancee, Paul, and I live in a one bedroom cottage right across the bay from San Francisco. I left my job in Indianapolis when we moved here, and as of now- I am currently unemployed (yikes! I hate that word).
Moving to California is an opportunity for me to change the way I live my life- to live on less, to own less, and to enjoy and appreciate more.
Despite the excitement, the move has taken some of the wind out of my sails. It is my hope that by documenting a bit of my life, I will be able to reflect and find the positive.
I love reading Stephanie Nielson's blog and Jamiee Rose on!