I went to Target last night with a friend who once boasted about spending 4 hours in the store. After spending 20 agonizing minutes trying to choose a pack of Hanes underwear, I can completely understand how that is possible (if you're reading this, friend, I had a blast). My favorite part of the whole trip? When she finally picked a pack and said, "I feel like I'm settling." Hilarious!
It's always amusing to observe the shopping style of others. However after the Hanes debacle, I suggested cutting our trip short at 1hr and 20 min in.
Rather characteristically, I left with substantially more "stuff" than my cohort. Despite spending WAY too much money, everything I purchased was legit. Three new long sleeved "tissues tees" in the standard black, white, grey. Three new cotton tanks in, what else, black, white, and grey. Two new pairs of workout pants. Black and grey. Two super soft sports bras. A Cal Bears tee. I'm gonna be the most stylin girl at the gym.
Madagascar 2! Best movie ever and also on sale!
And that's it.
Well, laundry detergent, but that doesn't really count.