Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Paul and Tom brought the sailboat into Berkeley Harbor under sail. The outboard worked for a good 4 hours before quitting right at the last leg. In my experience, Evinrudes are not synonymous with quality. Is it really too much to ask to have a working motor? 

I had to take Paul to pick up his car which was parked at Benicia Marina and drove right into the jowls of a 4th of July parade. 
Or the makings of one anyway. Blocks and blocks of empty chairs. I haven't been to a parade in so long that I didn't realize that standard protocol consisted of bringing your foldy chair out early to save your spot. 

Speaking of sailboats, I thought about Jessica Watson today- the youngest person to sail around the world. I took a quick peek at her Blog and found it to be very inspiring. It made me want to just do something- what I don't know. But something! Perhaps not sailing around the world though. I prefer my boating time to be spent eating chips, reading magazines, and tanning.