Thursday, August 18, 2011

How Very Clever of You

Apartment Therapy. I've got to give Nicole the shout out on this website. She said- "Be warned....I was up until 1am browsing. Don't get sucked in."
I assured her that I wouldn't. I don't usually get to excited by that sort of stuff. And it wasn't until after I got on the site that I remembered why. Don't get me wrong. It's totally cool- snaps of all these different apartments/homes and decorating tips. And they focus on small spaces. Hello- me!
But I got a nervous twitch the farther in I got. The feeling was reminiscent of the wedding and the Style Me Pretty Ultimate Wedding website. Every time I got off that site I felt like no one was going to come unless I had hand-crafted flower garlands on every seat back and a tiny rowboat with our engraved names on the oars to greet the guests at the reception. 
Same thing here. Is my climbing bookbag causing clutter because it doesn't have its own wall hook? 
I will say that one thing we need more of in this joint is storage. We're really good about not collecting a ton of knick-knacks, but we do collect things that we need and just don't have enough space to keep them out of the way. 
And organization. If you open up our kitchen cupboards, be prepared to be knocked out cold by a saucepan. 
Plan for the weekend: Purge and organize. Can we do it? Yes! Do we get to visit the Container Store? Yes! Lets do it! And if someone with interior design experience wants to come and help? We will take it. And treat to dinner.