I don't even think I can explain Pinterest in a concise way.
Something I do know. I got an invitation to sign up two weeks ago. Then I was put on a waiting list. Then today I received an email that I was ready to go live. Hmmm. A wait list.
So the site allows people to create digital pin boards- tack things they like on the internet into one central place. By "things" they like I mean photos. The photos display the original link to the page so others can visit that website. So for example.....
This is on my pin board entitled "Cats" (which I just made for this example by the way).
I've read up a little bit on Pinterest and interestingly people like to create pin boards of recipes. Except they're not actual recipes- they're photos of food. So I might type "Taco" into the Search field and all of these different photos of tacos would come up. Then I would choose a taco that looked good, click on the photo, go on to the link, and hope for a recipe. Just googling "Fish Taco Recipes" seems much easier.
I did find one excellent use for Pinterest- a board for Christmas gifts. So as I troll the internet I can grab things that might make good gifts and find/order them quickly later on.
In true fashion I did find a little something for myself.