I may end up naming most of my posts "Sweat Equity." We spent most of the weekend at the house working.
Saturday we went to Home Depot to pick paint colors. Paul worked on changing out the locks while I painted the swatches on the walls. I was able to have a quick and helpful discussion with my Mom regarding paint colors. Man! There were so many to choose from!
Today we ended up back at the house to see the paint again in earlier light. Do we go with Porpoise or Sparrow? Sigh.
I then spent about an hour scraping soot off the fireplace with a wire brush so we could paint. Then off to Home Depot where I spent two hours, most of that time I searched for a wood chisel. Door locks gone wild.
Back at the house with all the paint and other miscellaneous supplies. Paul got us Subway while I started the task of steam cleaning the carpets. You know, I loved having a second story until I had to lug 80 buckets of water up the stairs! Ah the life of a homeowner.
When the carpets were "clean" I then scrubbed the fireplace again with some formula that per the instructions sounded like it would take skin off. Skin stayed on but I called that task done in short order.
My final agenda item for the day was to clean and mop the two downstairs rooms. Since they're not being painted I want them ready to go for movers.
Yes! I said it! Painters and Movers!
Luis is coming to paint the two upstairs bedrooms, kitchen, living room, stairway, and little hallway on Tuesday. We decided to leave off the down stairs bedrooms since they're already painted liveable colors. The bathrooms we're going to tackle ourselves since they'll be little projects of their own (changing tile etc).
We've scheduled movers on Friday- I will be working from home to facilitate the house and storage unit. It's going to be hilarious- we've literally got two pieces of furniture (at most) moving into each room.
All said and done- we'll be in the new house next weekend!