Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Breaking News

An apparently suicidal man has ascended the Lefty O'Doul Bridge next to AT&T Park and is purportedly threatening to take his own life.

While the bridge is only a few yards over Mission Creek, the man is "not threatening to jump into the water," according to San Francisco Police Department spokesman Officer Boaz Marilies.
The man has ascended the superstructure of the bridge, several stories over the pavement below. Police on the scene say they "have no choice but to wait him out."
More as we know more.
Update, 12:35 p.m.: Mariles says the man "is not jumping. He's apparently doing silly things up there." By "silly things," Mariles means "dancing." The police continue to wait him out.
Update, 12:41 p.m.: Web editor Alexia Tsotsis reports the man, who at one point danced and "spread his arms like Jesus" is descending from the bridge after being talked down by a tactical police officer wearing a Johnny Unitas throwback jersey.
** SF Weekly

He was just really, really drunk. And stood up there for over two hours. It caused quite a stir around our office, as you can see the bridge from the windows next to our desks.

<------- That's my office.