I busily filled my imaginary JCrew shopping cart full of sale treasures but when I got to the checkout I shouted "STOP" (in my head of course). No. Illegal. And I clicked the x and got myself out of that conundrum. That purchase would have sent me into a shame spiral of epic proportions. One, these delicious items are not supposed to be fitting me in two months! Two, I really want the adorable Northface GREEN book bag and fleecie (I am vaguely aware that it's July- but it was 60 and windy today) that I saw in Sports Authority last weekend while Paul was shopping for a new swimsuit.
Painfully Cute.
The benefit to owning many new JCrew clothes versus a fleece is that you can say clever things like:
"This old thing?"
"Honey, I bought that in Indiana. You've just never seen me wear it."
"Nicole gave it to me"
These phrases no longer apply when you've modeled both said book bag and winter jacket TOGETHER. And perhaps more than once for the fiance.
The moral of this story is that you can never be too skinny for book bags, makeup, or shoes. And possibly fleece.