I had about 20 small meltdowns today. That will happen when one has a dirty house, no Christmas presents, and a new IPhone 4. Un-siried.
No family plan. AT&T has not yet reached the 21st century and since Paul and I have phone numbers in different "regions" we aren't eligible for a family plan. Plus it was not actually going to be any less expensive and no added features.
So I got a new Iphone. They synced my contacts at the store and I lost my text messages. When I synced at home to download my apps I got the text messages back but lost the contacts.
Hence the genius bar appointment at Apple tomorrow. I'm bringing my Mac, Ipod, and Iphone. Please make everything working in harmony and send stuff to the clouds. Thankyouverymuch.
The bright spot of the day (besides the small retail bender in which I got 80% of my X-mas shopping done......get excited people) was Facetiming with Nicole. Facetime is sorta like Skype- you can see the person while chatting on the phone.
So Nicole had a wine, I had a beer. She showed me the apt. with all the furniture moved in. Paul came home and waved. Chris showed up and said hello.
It was great to see her face!