Brief hiatus from the Europe trip. Paul flew to Baltimore on Sunday for a week long work trip and left me alone in our scary, creaky, big house.
How am I supposed to recover my sleep from Europe when I'm leaping out of bed every 30 seconds and running downstairs to see what that noise was?
I was doing my usual routine last night- checking all the windows, flinging open the closet doors and shower curtains, peeking under the bed...... I am not exaggerating.
I realized that the downstairs bathroom window does not lock.
Oh my god. This is the window that the burglar/ murderer/ alien is going to use to enter our house! We had a similar issue with the lock on our upstairs sliding glass door so Paul ingeniously wedged wood planks strategically so that it wouldn't open.
Quick! Think! What can I lodge in here to prevent an attack?
At least it's finally getting some use.